Tweens, teenagers, and young adults years provide a time of growth and change, as well as a time of self discovery. Adolescents & college age adults can often struggle with figuring out who they are and what they want their place in the world to be. They face a multitude of changes and significant pressure as they face questions around academics, identity, family dynamics, peer pressure, social media, and sexuality just to name a few. Counseling for teenagers and young adults often provides a time for them to have someone fully listen to them and to start their own self growth journey.
We consider individual work with an adolescent to be extremely helpful along with periodic check-in session with their primary caregivers. Our approach to working with this age group is collaborative between both the tween/teen and the parent(s).
With young adults/college students it is solely up to the individual on whether they would like individual sessions or to include individuals from their support system to join a session.