Individual Therapy


Unaddressed symptoms of depression can often lead to individuals feeling stuck, pessimistic all the time, hopeless, and often that life will never get any better.

We know now that not everyone experiences depression in the same ways. Indicators that you may be experiencing depression are, but not limited to, unexplained fatigue, change in appetite, decreased self-esteem, sleep difficulties, lack of motivation and sadness.

When individuals are able to take a stop in acknowledging the depression it is the first step towards healing. Depression is not something you should have to walk through alone. Finding therapeutic support can lead to individuals being able to continue to take more steps towards health and growth in their daily lives.


Anxiety can show up in our lives in so many different ways. We might be feeling overwhelmed and in a constant state of stress. Anxiety often can be debilitating if not treated and keep you from being empowered in your own life.

If you find yourself worrying often and not being able to turn it off, being on edge, difficulties with sleep, feeling insecure or judged by others, or the ability to make decisions you might be experiencing symptoms of anxiety.

Naming your anxiety is a significant first step, as we know it can take over every aspect of your life. We believe in collaborating with you to find ways to empower you in your own story and to decrease the symptoms of anxiety in your life.

Relationship Therapy/Coaching


Clients often find themselves disengaged from the dating process or continually experiencing disappointments in the experience. Looking to be in a meaningful relationship can take looking at understanding ourselves first. It is important to know your own expectations and how past relationships can impact your decision making process.

We will to help you identify what you are looking for in a partner and the barriers that might be getting in the way of you experiencing a healthy relationship.

Healthy relationships, not perfect relationships, require healthy individuals, not perfect individuals. This process is to connect with yourself so that you will be able to have meaningful connections in your relationships.